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Fiji Islands - 2000 FLR Volume 2 - Index and Digest |
of the cases decided in
This volume may be cited as "(2000) 1 FLR"
Madam Justice Nazhat Shameem, High Court of Fiji
Mr. Chen Bunn Young, President Fiji Law Society
Published by: The Institute of Justice and Applied Legal Studies The University of the South Pacific, 2004
Barrister and solicitor - circumstances in which advocate can appear- for argument purposes orr1y without need to be briefed by solicitor or to file art appearance - 0.67 r:3 High Court Rules |
Chandrika Prasad v Republic of Fiji &Attorney-Gcncral (No. I) | 43 |
Privilege for expert's report created for purpose of litigation - burden of proof for admissibility of evidence - admissibility of secondary evidence - factors affecting court's discretion on ruling of admissibility of evidence - tendering of report - Constitution ss 21(1), (2) 37(1) a), (b), (2), Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Decree 2000 [712000) s18 | |
Ambaram Narsey Properties Limited v Mohammed Yakub Khan, Mohammed Nasir Khan, Mohammed Sabir Khan, Mohammed lgbal Khan, Mohammed Muktar Khan & Mohammed Azad Khan & Lautoka City Council | 69 |
Striking out -locrrsstandi and whether reasonable cause of action - no application for filing of affidavits out of time -fluidity of crisis requiring urgency in hearing summons | |
Chandrika Prasad v Republic of Fiji & Attorney-General (No. 2) | 44 |
Striking out - no reasonable cause of action - defamation - breaches of the Code of Media Ethics and Practice - whether the plaintiff has been gravely injured in his credit and reputation it? his profession as Assistant Minister of information and brought into public scandal, odium and contempt-High Court Act s3l(I); High Court Rules 0.18 rI(a), 19; 0-32 r.9; Defamation Act ss 2 and 3; 1997 Constitution article 30(1)(x), (b) | |
Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi v Fiji Television Limited, Tukaha Mua, lmraz Igbal, Inoke Bainimarama & Ahmod Ali | 21 |
striking out - when it can be exercised | |
Chandrika Prasad v Republic of Fiji & Attorney-Genera] (No. 4) | 89 |
Slay of execution (1) - Leave to Appeal Irrierloculory Order - whether order appealed .irony wrong or substantial injustice caused - role of counsel from Attorney-General's office discussed - whether summons to strike was delaying tactic when respondents chose not to file affidavit material despite being given opportunity - Court ofAppeal Act (Cap 12) s)2(2)09; High Court Rules 0.18 r 18(2) acrd 0.67 r.3 | |
Chandrika Prasad v Republic of Fiji &Attorney-General (No.3) | 81 |
Stay of execution (2) pending appeal against declaratory orders of Judg+nert - A-G's locus slandi to pursue appeal on behalf of interim government discussed - role of anticus curiae in assisting the court where competing regimes - Court of Appeal (Cap 11) s20(l)(e); High Court .Rules 0.15 r IS, 0.41 r,1(8), r. 9(2) | |
Chandrika Prasad v Republic of Fiji &Attorney-General (No.5) | 115 |
Stay of execution of judgment pending appeal to the Supreme Court - whether a Deed of Settlement binds estate of deceased spouse after death - balance of convenience test - whether stay in interest of justice | |
Julie Doyle v Phyllis Doyle and Trustee Corporation Limited | 75 |
Constitution (1997) - declaratory orders - usurpation of power - whether Constitution abrogated by Commodore Bainimarama on 29 May, 2000-generous approach to notoriousfacts where affidavit evidence lacking - when striking out can be exercised - role of courts in upholding the rule of law - Constitution ss2(1), 41(2), (3), (10), 90, 120(2), 135, 187, 188, 190, Schedule D; High Court (Amendment) Act 27198 s18(1); Emergency Powers Act 1998 (28198) ss2(2)(c)-(d), 4,;.Iudicature Decree 2000 ICG Decree 2100; High Court (Constitutional Redress) rules 1998 rr.3(l), 4(3); Constitution Revocation Decree 2000; Existing Laws Decree 2000; Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Decree 2000 s1 97(g); Transfer of Executive Authority Decree 2000; Intrnunity Decree 2000 | |
Chandrika Prasad v Republic of Fiji & Attomey-General (No. 4) | 89 |
Application of Constitution esprte purported abrogation | |
Ved Prakash v NLTB & Filipe Kubuyawa | 57 |
B.R. Kwon v Suva City Council (No 1) | 63 |
Julie Doyle v Phyllis Doyle and Trustee Corporation Limited | 75 |
Suren Singh & Ors v State | 127 |
Appeal - whether right ofappeal to Supreme Court after purported abrogation of the Constitution | |
Julie Doyle v Phyllis Doyle and Trustee Corporation Limited | 75 |
Arrested or detained persons |
Epeli Seniloli &Attorney-General v Semi Voliti, on behalf of Poasa Ravea Qawaqawa Voliti | 6 |
Degrading and inhumane treatment | |
Taito Rarasea v State | 27 |
Fair trial | |
State v Lepani Vunisa | 38 |
Freedom of the press | |
Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi v Fiji Television Limited, Tukaha Mua, Imrax Igbal, Inoke Bainimarama& Ahmed Ali | 21 |
Independanl and impartial tribunal | |
Fiji Video Library Association v Attorney General & Minister of Justice, Commissioner of Police, South Pacific Recording Limited | 46 |
Personal Liberty- Constitution 1997 s23(1) and (2) | |
In Re Eroni Delai | 15 |
Privacy of personal communications | |
Ambaram Narsey Properties Limited v Mohammed Yakub Khan, Mohammed Nasir Khan, Mohammed Sabir Khan, Mohammed Igbal Khan, Mohammed Muktar Khan & Mohammed Azad Khan & Lautoka City Council | 69 |
Protection against compulsory acquisition of property - Constitution s40(l), 40(2,4) | |
H.P. Bulsara v Commissioner of Police & Attorney-General | 33 |
Public officer | |
Auditor-General v Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces & Attorney -General |
1 |
"escaping front lawful custody" - appellant punished for breach of each section - whether double jeopardy - reduction of food rations as punishment under Prisons - whether degrading and inhumane treatment - Penal Code (Cap 17) s138; Prisons Regulations paragraph 123(3); Prisons Act s83(1)A(vi) contravenes Constitution s25(1) | |
Taito Rarasea v State | 27 |
Service - Summons not personally served - whether effective service on Solicitor -- Formal proof- evidence required to secure conviction-Criminal Procedure Code ss83-85; Town Planning Act (Cap. 139) s.27(1)(b) | |
B.R. Kwon v Suva City Council (No. 1) | 63 |
Stay of information - rape - whether undue 5 year delays resulted in breach of respondent's constitutional right lo fair trial -common law right to trial within a reasonable time - Principles to consider - Penal Code ss149 and 150; Constitution 1997 s29(1) and (3); Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Decree 2000 (Decree 7100) sl0(1) and (3), 24(4) | |
State v Lepani Vunisa | 38 |
Stay of sentence pending appeal - whether appeal will be rendered nugatory if slay not granted - whether appellant will be ruined by execution of judgment pending appeal - balance of convenience test - Town Planning Act ss27(1)(b), 27(5) | |
B. R. Kwon v Suva City Council (No. 2) | 134 |
Whether plea ofguilly unequivocal where accused not informed of right to counsel - Effect of breach of duty to inform accused s of right to counsel-Guideline for Magistrates before taking a plea - Sentencing principles - Conslitution section 27 (1) (c) | |
Suren Singh & Ors v State | 127 |
Quantum of damages - appeal against - false imprisonment - trauma and distress to victim - aggravated damages of S10K and punitive damages of $5K awarded by Magistrates' Court - considerution of local, social and economic conditions in quantum - breach of Constitution s27; Juveniles Act, the Judges Rules | |
Epeli Seniloli &Attomey-Generaly Semi Voliti, on behalf of Poasa Ravea Qawaqawa Voliti | 6 |
burden of proof for admissibility of evidence - admissibility of secondary evidence -factors affecting court's discretion on ruling of admissibility of evidence - Constitution ss 21(1), (2) 37(1) a), (b), (2), Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Decree 2000 (7110001 slB | |
Ambaram Narsey Properties Limited v Mohammed Yakub Khan, Mohammed Nasir Khan, Mohammed Sabir Khan, Mohammed Igbal Khan, Mohammed Muktar Khan & Mohammed Azad Khan & Lautoka City Council | 69 |
Habeas corpus ad subjtciendum - whether prison sentence in default offines excessive - appropriate value for fines discussed - whether applicant willfully refused to pay fines - Criminal Procedure Code (Cap 21) ss80(l) and (2), 88(4), 199, 205, 323, Penal Code (Cap 17) s35(1)(a) | |
In Re Eroni Delai | 15 |
Release of motor vehicle taken by police pursuant io a search warrant - whether vehicle bought with proceeds of crime and not properly transferred - Whether a common law "interests of justice" - Criminal Procedure Code ss68, 103, 106, 164; Proceeds of Crime Act 1997 s34; | |
H.P. Bulsara v Commissioner of Police & Attomey-General | 33 |
Extension or dissolution of interim injunction - Copyright Act 1999 s30(2)(c), Legal Notice 1431 99, Constitution 1997 ss26, 29, 38, 40 and 44, Fair Trading Decree 1992; High Court Rules 1988 0.15 r. 14(3) | |
Fiji Video Library Association v Attorney General & Minister of Justice, Commissioner of Police, South Pacific Recording Limited | 46 |
Whether injunction can be granted to protect interests of tenant with expired lease – whether enant can be compensated.jor improvements on property - Constitution s40 | |
Ved Prakash v NLTB & Filipe Kubuyawa | 57 |
Judicial review - whether permanent arbitrator's award overlooked equality provisions of the 1997 Constitution - Constitution section 33(2); Trade Disputes Act (Cap 97) s 6 | |
State v Arbitration Tribunal ex parte Suva City Council Staff Association | 12 |
Protection against compulsory acquisition of property - Release of motor vehicle taken by police pursuant to a search warrant - whether vehicle bought with proceeds of crime and not properly transferred - Whether a common law "interests of justice" - Criminal Procedure Code ss68, 103, 106, 164; Proceeds of Crime Act 1997 s34; Constitution s40(1), 40(2,4) | |
H.P. Bulsara v Commissioner of Police & Attorney-General | |
Public accounts - whether Fiji Military Forces regimental and other funds private purposes - whether auditor general has a right to inspect private funds held by commander - definition of 'public ojfcer'and 'public moneys'- Audit Act s6(1); 1990 Constitution sl48(2), 1997 Constitution sl67; Interpretation Act (Cap 7) s2; Republic of Ffi Military Forces Act Cap. 81 s67; FMF Regulations reg 3, FMF (Queen's) Regulations, Chapter 5, part 15, paragraph 5.613 | |
Auditor-General v Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces & Attorney -General | 1 |
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