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Fiji Islands - FLR Volume 42 - Digest & Index |
of the cases decided in
and in
VOLUME 42This Volume may be cited as “42 FLR”
Of Gray’s Inn, Judge of the High Court of FijiPRICE: $27.50
(V.A.T. incl.)
Administrative law- Fijian Affairs- dismissal of Roko- whether judicial review exclusively available- whether procedurally flawed-whether plaintiff entitled to relief. Fijian Affairs Act (Cap. 120)- Fijian Affairs Board Standing Orders 24, 25 & 26. SELESITINO LUBA v. FAB 8 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW
Administrative Law- Judicial Review-whether the High Court has jurisdiction to grant a stay against a government minister or other officer of the State- High Court Rules 1988 Order 53 (8). THE STATE v. MINISTER OF IMMIGRATION ex parte VIKTAR JAN KAISIEPO 26 CONSTITUTION Constitution - fundamental rights and freedoms - provisions to secure protection of law - right to fair hearing within a reasonable time - right to beail pending trial. Constitution (1990) Sections 11(1) and 6(5). - Criminal Procedure Code (Cap 21) Section 244. HENRY INGIVALD v. THE STATE 187 CONSTITUTION Constitution- fundamental rights- provisions to secure protection of law- right of an accused person to be given adequate time to prepare a defence- Constitution (1990) Section 11 (2) (c). 232 CONSTITUTION Constitution- bill of rights- right to personal liberty- wrongful detention- whether tortious-Constitution (I990) Section 6 (b) and 19 (i). THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL v. DHARMENDRA PRASAD 81 COURTS Courts- foreign judgment- whether Canada a Commonwealth country- Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act-Cap 40 Sections 6 (1) (a) (iii); 9 (1). SIMON NARAYAN v. DARRELL THEODORE WONG 106 CRIME: EVIDENCE Crime: evidence and proof- indecently annoying a female- relevance of complainant's state of mind- need for corroboration. Penal Code (Cap. 17) Section 154(4). BIR CHAND v. THE STATE 131 CRIME: EVIDENCE
Crime: evidence and proof- rape- necessity for corroboration- availability of proviso. Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 21) Section 319(l). KALIOVA RAGE v. THE STATE 176 CRIME: EVIDENCE
Crime- evidence and proof- submission of no case to answer- whether evidence of identification albeit unsatisfactory precludes acquittal. Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 21) Section 293 (i).
Crime: practice and procedure- Magistrates' Courts- contents of judgment- Criminal Procedure Code Cap. 21) Section 155. KALIOVA RAGE v. THE STATE 176 CRIME: PROCEDURE
Crime: procedure- Magistrates' Courts-request by prosecution for adjournment of, trial- need for merits of application to be considered- consequences of refusal. Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 21) Sections 198, 203 & 210 DPP v. NEUMI KALOU 126 CRIME: PROCEDURE
Crime: procedure- failure of complainant to appear on date of trial- whether proper to acquit the accused when an adjournment is refused. Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 21) Sections 198 (1), 210 and 211 (2). STATE v. KELEMEDI LAGI 71 CRIME: PROCEDURE
Crime: procedure- disputed confession statement- inadvertent disclosure to assessors without prior trial within a trial- retrial ordered STATE v. WAISALE ROKOTUIWA 252 CRIME: PROCEDURE Crime: procedure- Magistrates' Courts-basic elements of judgment where accused found guilty-effect of omission-Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 21) Sections 155 (1) & (2): Section 206 (2) WAISALE SERU v. THE STATE 123 DEFAMATION
Defamation- libel- principles governing grant of interim injunction to restrain further publication RATU OVINI BOKINI & ANR v. ASSOCIATED MEDIA LTD & ORS 1 EMPLOYMENT Employment- trade unions- whether a recognised trade union's right to represent a member in dispute with the employer is fettered by the lack of a collective agreement extending to the member. Trade Disputes Act (Cap. 97) as amended by Trade Disputes Act (Am) Decree 27/92 THE STATE v. THE ACTING PS FOR LABOUR & INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ex parte CARPENTERS FIJI LTD 245 EQUITY Equity- breach of confidence- publication of allegation of improper conduct by officers of credit union- whether to be restrained by injunction- defence of public interest. FPSCU v. FIJI TIMES LTD 148 FAMILY LAW Family law- variation of maintenance order-no change of circumstances since original order- Magistrate's power to vary where original order based on mistake of fact. Maintenance and Affiliation Act (Cap. 52) Section 8 (1 ). KIRAN DEVI v. HIRA SAMI 20 IMMIGRATION Immigration- refusal of work permit-unsuccessful appeal to the minister- whether minister must give reasons- whether decision justiciable- Immigration Act (Cap 88) Section 18(l). VIKTAR JAN KAISIEPO v. MINISTER OF IMMIGRATION 206 INCOME TAX Income Tax- reimbursement by partners of misappropriated funds- whether an allowable deduction from the partnership's taxable income- Income Tax Act (Cap. 201) Section 19 (b)- Partnership Act (Cap 248) Sections 12 & 13 BARRIE NELSON SWEETMAN & ANR v. CIR 221 INSURANCE Insurance- whether failure to pay a premium results in the lapse of the policy- Marine Insurance Act (Cap. 218) Sections 22 & 23. WESTPAC & ANR t/aDAYDREAM CRUISES LTD v. DOMINION INSURANCE LTD 193 JUDICIAL REVIEW
Judicial review- delay in filing originating notice of motion following grant of leave-dismissal for want of prosecution- principles applicable. High Court Rules 1988 Order 53 rule 5 (4). SHORE BUSES LTD v. MINISTER FOR LABOUR & INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 236 LAND Land- mortgage- summary proceedings for possession of land- whether a mortgagee is a "registered proprietor". Land Transfer Act (Cap. 13 I) Section 169, BANK OF BARODA v. JOSEPH NAINIMA 261 LAND Land- tenants in common- action for sale of land- whether "for the benefit of the parties interested". Property Law Act (Cap. 130) Section 119 (2). EMMA THOMAS v. THE ESTATE OF ELIZA MILLER 268 LANDLORD &TENANT
Landlord and tenant- whether Registrar of Titles entitled to cancel a lease- whether exercise of power by Registrar subject to challenge in Court- breach of covenant-whether right of re-entry or forfeiture restricted where only a part of the demised premises are sublet. Land Transfer Act (Cap. 131) Sections 57 and 168; Property Law Act (Cap. 130) Section 105 (8) (a) CENTRAL RENTALS LTD v. PATTON & STOCK LTD 137 LANDLORD & TENANT Landlord and tenant- summary proceedings for possession of land- whether Fair Rents Act available as a defence- state land- effect of failure to obtain consent to letting. Land Transfer Act (Cap. 131) Section 269; Fair Rents Act (Cap. 269) Sections 4. 5. 7 and 19; State Lands Act (Cap. 132) Section 13. HAMID KHAN v, SIMON PRASAD 276 LANDLORD & TENANT Landlord and tenant-native land-agricultural tenancy- whether a declaration of an ALTA tenancy by an agricultural tribunal is subject to the consent of the NLTB- central agricultural tribunal-declaration that tenancy null and void- whether valid. Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Act (Cap. 270) Sections 4, 5, 18(3) and 59; Native Land Trust Act (Cap. 134) Section 12 (1). PONSAMI v. DHARAM L. REDDY 160 MAGISTRATES' COURTS Magistrates' Courts- jurisdiction to make a supression order. Magistrates' Courts Act (Cap 14) Section 46. THE STATE v. JOSEFA NATA 64 PRACTICE: CIVIL Practice: civil- interlocutory relief- whether permissible to make fresh application on grounds previously refused- High Court Rules 1988 Order 29 AJIMAT ALl v. MEREWAI RANIGA 182 PRACTICE: CIVIL Practice: civil- whether a third party notice may be issued by a defendant to summary proceedings for possession of land. Land Transfer Act (Cap. 131) Section 169; High Court Rules 1988 Order 16 r t (I) (c) ENELEMA'AFUv.OSEA TUQOVU 259 PRACTICE: CIVIL Practice: Civil- enforcement of compromise-whether fresh action necessary- High Court Act (Cap. 13) Section 22 (2). KRISHNA PRASAD v. VISHNU PRASAD 90 PRACTICE: CIVIL Practice: Civil- Magistrates' Courts third party proceedings- procedure governing-relationship between plaintiff and third party. Magistrates' Courts Rules (Cap. 14) Order III rule 8 THE LABOUR OFFICER v. VUNIMOLI SAWMILL LTD 114 TRAFFIC
Traffic- refusing to supply specimen of breath-absence of liability when requesting officer not qualified to make the request. Traffic Act (Cap. 176) Section 48 M.K.D. SAHU KHAN v. THE STATE 47 SENTENCE Sentence- imprisonment- indecent conduct with a young person- whether suspended sentence appropriate- Penal Code (Cap 17) Section 29 DPP v. SAVIRIANO RADOVU 76 SENTENCE Sentence- several offences constituting one course of criminal conduct- principles of aggregation- Penal Code (Cap. 17) Section 28(4) RAJIV KUMAR v. THE STATE 118 SENTENCE Crime-sentence-committal for sentence to the High Court- principles governing. Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 21) Section 222. RARAWA TAQA v. THE STATE 38 SENTENCE Crime- sentence- activation of suspended sentence- opportunity for mitigation-reason for sentence imposed- criminal damage-. appropriate scale. Penal Code (Cap. 17) Section 324 (1).
SAIMONI TUCILA v. THE STATE 42 TORT Tort- assault- quantum of damages- relevance of provocation by plaintiff to plaintiffs entitlement AMI CHAND v. LAL BAHADUR 170
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