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Civil Aviation Act - Aerodromes Regulations


CAP. 49.20.1


Arrangement of Regulations


1 Citation and interpretation
2 Certain acts within aerodromes prohibited
3 Certain acts without permission prohibited within aerodrome
4 Starting aircraft engines on aerodromes
5 Operating radio equipment, etc
6 Remaining on aerodrome to peril of passengers, etc.
7 Destruction of trespassing livestock
8 Offences and penalties

Supporting Documents




1 Citation and interpretation

(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Aerodromes Regulations, and shall apply to such aerodromes to which the Act applies as the Minister may by notice designate[2] .

(2) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —

"aerodrome manager" means in respect of any aerodrome the person for the time being appointed by the Minister to be the manager thereof; [3]

"vehicle" does not include any aircraft.

2 Certain acts within aerodromes prohibited

Within an aerodrome the following acts are prohibited —

(1) obstructing or interfering with the proper use of the aerodrome;

(2) obstructing any person acting in the execution of his duty in relation to the aerodrome;

(3) remaining on the aerodrome after having been required to leave it by a police officer or the aerodrome manager;

(4) allowing any vehicle or animal to be on the aerodrome after having been required to remove it or after its presence on the aerodrome has been forbidden by a police officer or the aerodrome manager;

(5) boarding or attempting to board any aircraft without the authority of the person in charge of it;

(6) tampering or interfering with any aircraft or anything used in connection with an aircraft without the authority of the person in charge of the aircraft or thing;

(7) smoking in or otherwise bringing or lighting any naked light into or in —

3 Certain acts without permission prohibited within aerodrome

Within an aerodrome the following acts are prohibited unless the permission of the aerodrome manager has first been obtained —

(1) entering or leaving the aerodrome otherwise than through a gate or entrance for the time being provided for that purpose;

(2) entering any part of the aerodrome to which members of the public are not for the time being admitted;

(3) removing, displacing, damaging, defacing or altering any building. structure or other property, whether movable or immovable (including any notice), forming part of or provided for or in connection with the aerodrome;

(4) digging soil or cutting or removing turf;

(5) grazing animals;

4 Starting aircraft engines on aerodromes

(1) No person shall start or run any engine in any aircraft on the aerodrome unless a competent person is in the aircraft attending the engine controls. Blocks equipped with ropes or other suitable means of pulling them shall always be placed in front of the wheels of any aircraft on land within any aerodrome before starting the engine or engines unless the aircraft is provided with adequate parking brakes and use is made of such brakes.

(2) For the purpose of this regulation "a competent person" means a person holding a pilot's or aircraft maintenance engineer's licence.

5 Operating radio equipment, etc.

(1) No person shall operate any radio equipment in any aircraft when such aircraft is in a hangar on the aerodrome.

(2) No person shall operate on the aerodrome any device that may cause interference to aircraft communications or ground communication services.

6 Remaining on aerodrome to peril of passengers, etc.

No person shall enter upon or remain in the aerodrome in circumstances in which the safety of any aircraft or its passengers or crew is likely to be imperilled or the proper functioning of the aerodrome impeded.

7 Destruction of trespassing livestock

(1) It shall be lawful for the aerodrome manager, or any police officer, where in the opinion of such manager or officer such action is necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft, to shoot or destroy any livestock found trespassing on the aerodrome.

(2) No aerodrome manager, or police officer, shall be liable for any suit, claim or demand by reason of anything done by him in his official capacity in good faith pursuant to this regulation.

8 Offences and penalties

(1) Any person who commits an act prohibited by the provisions of these Regulations is guilty of an offence.

(2) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of regulations 4, 5 and 6 is guilty of an offence.

(3) Any person who is guilty of an offence under these Regulations is liable to a fine of $100 and to imprisonment for 6 months.

1 LN 19/1964, 8 of 1971, LN 16/1974, LN 43/1975, LN 44/1975, GN 44/1979

These regulations continue in force under section 54(3) of the Civil Aviation Act, Cap. 49.20
[2] Aerodrome to which the Aerodromes Regulations apply by designation under
regulation 1 (1) of the said Regulations
The aerodrome on Funafuti Island the limits of which aerodrome are delineated in red on the plan

deposited in the office of the Prime Minister for the purposes of these Regulations. (LN 44/75)
[3] Appointment of aerodrome manager under regulation 1 (2) by reference to office
The Minister has appointed the person for the time being holding the office of Secretary,
Communications and Transport, to be aerodrome manager in respect of Funafuti

Aerodrome. (G.N. 44/79)

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