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Plants Act - Plants (Shipping) Regulations

2008 Revised Edition


CAP. 44.30.2


1 Citation

These Regulations may be cited as the Plants (Shipping) Regulations.

2 Declaration by master of vessel from prohibited place

The master of any vessel which has within the past 20 days called at any place from which the importation of plants is prohibited by order under section 4, hereinafter referred to as a prohibited place, shall immediately upon arrival in Tuvalu make to the Agricultural Officer a declaration to the effect that within 12 hours of leaving such place he personally inspected the vessel and caused to be removed therefrom all plants the product of such place other than plants consigned as cargo in the vessel.

3 Duty of master

The master of any vessel arriving in Tuvalu from any prohibited place shall ensure that plants, the product of such prohibited place, consigned as cargo in the vessel are not carried in the same hold as general cargo and mails intended for discharge within Tuvalu.

4 Plants and cargo

The master of any vessel arriving in Tuvalu from any prohibited place shall keep all plants the product of such prohibited place and consigned as cargo in the vessel and all cargo or other articles, other than the baggage, clothing or personal effects of any person on board, loaded in such prohibited place in holds which shall be closed and which may be opened for the discharge of cargo and mails only at the direction of and in the presence of the Agricultural Officer during the stay of the vessel in Tuvalu.

5 Ventilators

The master of any vessel arriving in Tuvalu from any prohibited place shall ensure that all ventilators and openings of all holds other than hatch covers and doorways are completely covered to the satisfaction of the Agricultural Officer with wire gauze of a mesh not greater than a quarter of an inch.

6 Fumigation

Whenever the Agricultural Officer deems it necessary, he may require the master of any vessel arriving in Tuvalu from any prohibited place to fumigate the vessel and the master shall thereupon cause the vessel to be fumigated in such manner as the Agricultural Officer may direct.

7 Mooring

Whenever the Agricultural Officer deems it necessary, he may require the master of any vessel arriving in Tuvalu from any prohibited place to cause the vessel during the stay of the vessel in Tuvalu to stand off at a distance of at least 800 yards from the shore during the hours between sunset and sunrise.

8 Hours of work

The master of any vessel arriving in Tuvalu from any prohibited place shall, if the Agricultural Officer so requires, prohibit all work of loading or unloading the vessel during the hours between sunset and sunrise.

1 Rev. 1952, p. 675

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